Barbering students demonstrating cutting a woman's hair.
Career Programs » FCTC CATE Programs » Environmental and Natural Resource Management

Environmental and Natural Resource Management

The Environmental and Natural Resource Management Program consists of the following courses: Wildlife Management, Natural Resources, Aquaculture, Outdoor Recreation and an Introduction to Horticulture course. This program is designed to give students hands-on experiences by the development of an outdoor learning lab and environmental awareness park. Students will be involved in the design, installation, maintenance and development of this area. 

Wildlife Management: This course involves hands-on activities in wildlife conservation, identifying fish, birds, insects and plants.  



Natural Resources: This course involves hands-on activities that include measuring and identifying air, water, noise and solid waste pollution. Students will learn how to evaluate and solve environmental issues related to human use of natural resources.

Outdoor Recreation:The Outdoor Recreation course is a combination of subject matter and planned learning experiences on the principles involved in outdoor safety, planning outdoor recreational activities, designing parks and special use areas, and outdoor recreational resources on public lands.  Instruction include activities such as hunter and boater education and planning, designing, and maintaining an outdoor recreational area.



Aquaculture:This course is designed to teach knowledge and skills in the growing of aquatic plants and animals. Students will plan, build, stock, maintain and harvest an aquaculture system.


Horticulture: This course is a combination of hands-on experiences with propagating, growing, maintaining and marketing greenhouse crops and vegetables. Students will be involved in entrepreneurship by selling the crops that are grown in the greenhouse to the community.